Gevolgen energielabel op hoogte hypotheek

What impact does the energy label of your home have on your mortgage?

Since sustainability and energy conservation have been important topics in our society for years, the energy label of your (dream) home will also affect the amount of mortgage you can obtain starting in 2024.

Next year, homebuyers will indeed face new mortgage standards. The maximum loan amount will then also depend on the energy label of the property. Simply put, the higher and better the energy label is, the more can often be borrowed. Calculate how much you can borrow for a mortgage.

Price differences in homes.

Because from 2024, people can get a higher mortgage for a home with a higher energy label (A or B), homes with a lower label may become less attractive. As a result, the price of those homes could potentially decrease, while the price of homes that are very energy-efficient could skyrocket. This creates a clear price difference between homes with higher and lower energy labels, and the disparities in the housing market only increase.

Negative consequences for borrowing capacity.

To prevent you from borrowing too much and getting into financial trouble, the bank also looks at your income and your fixed expenses. They also determine how much money you should have left after paying your monthly principal and interest each month to live on. The latter is called the loan standard.

The level of the energy label will also directly affect these lending standards. From next year, homebuyers can borrow up to €50,000 more for a home with a higher energy label. So, next year, the maximum allowable mortgage for a home will depend more on the energy label. So, the new mortgage standards will have a significant impact on what people can borrow next year.

The idea behind this is that owners of energy-efficient homes have lower energy bills, allowing them to allocate more money to the mortgage. And because energy prices have been quite volatile in recent years, lenders want to take less risk that buyers may not be able to afford these costs and therefore may not be able to pay their mortgage payments.

The direct consequence of this is that the borrowing capacity for buyers of a home with an energy label E, F, or G decreases.

Promoting the sustainability of homes.

Households can borrow an additional amount to make their home more energy-efficient. For this purpose, there is a list of measures that almost always result in a greater reduction in the energy bill than an increase in monthly mortgage payments. This amount was not higher than €9,000 before. This amount is also now differentiated based on the energy label. Because EFG-rated homes require more measures, buyers of these homes can borrow a higher additional amount than buyers of homes that are already more energy-efficient. For EFG-rated homes, this will increase to €20,000 in 2024.

Nobel Mortgages

We understand that it can be difficult to assess whether the mortgage for the home you have your eye on might be at risk as a result of this. Or whether you can now borrow more and your dream home, which may have seemed unattainable, is suddenly within reach. But no worries, that’s what we’re here for!

Because we at Nobel Mortgages are here to assist you by providing high-quality financial advice and thinking along with you in every aspect. We always go the extra mile for our (potential) clients, truly analyze all possibilities and, when necessary, always think outside the box.

In this way, we ensure that we can achieve what others cannot. In other words, we are fully dedicated to helping you obtain the best mortgage or loan that suits you perfectly and, of course, aligns completely with your situation and preferences.

Do you also want an advisor who looks outside the box and really analyzes all the possibilities for you? Then contact our experienced and enthusiastic team soon. We are available to you 24 hours a day with the utmost commitment and sincere attention. An e-mail is a snap to or call or app to 06-54770122.